Tuesday, May 10, 2005

culinary cinsumption in sin city

There is more to do here than to count coup on Elvis impersonators; there is the neverending array of restaraunts that beckon!

We have eaten things we never even heard of before today, for instance, for breakfast we had a pastrami omelette with brown mustard as a condiment. Very diff, very good. We also had cheese blintzes with sour cream. Yummy is the best and most accurate word to describe them.

Dinner last night was Todai's, one of our favorite Japanese buffets. We took our time and Carm followed the WWJD, "what would Jesse do" precept and went for one more plate. The store was offering a few extras for Mom's day and I received a carnation, a glass of plum wine and a small box of godiva chocolate which made my day.

Dinner tonite was Wolfgang Puck's grill at the MGM. We had the flat iron steak and it was one of the most tender pieces of beef I have ever had.

Oh, and we saw two Elvi today.

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