Sunday, May 01, 2005

Regrets or Apologies, do they do any good?

Seems like everyone has regrets or things they wish they could have erased from their experiences. Mine have always dealt with family. Maybe it is because next week is my first Mother's day without Mom. What I wish is that I had been a better Mom myself. I also wish I could apologize for some of the things I did and the things I didn't do that could have made a difference.

Hubby and I went to Mom and Dad's condo today to get some furniture and as we were leaving town I felt like I could see Dad on the sand dunes. He was younger than I ever saw him except in photos and there were 2 or 3 other young men with him. I realized we were near the old ranch so it is very likely that he did walk across those sand dunes in order to get to the beach.

The furniture we got today was Mom and Dad's bedroom set that they bought in the 50's the night stands and dresser look very cool in our room. They fit surprisingly well in the space and color matches beautifully. We also picked up Dad's Grandfather Clock. It defintely looks like it belongs here.

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